The Rochefoucauld
Grail, Frederick II, Castel del Monte and the Holy Grail.
January, 5, 2020.
Cort Lindahl.
The de La
Rochefoucauld family is a storied French family that seemed to have always
stood up for the individual rights of people over a wide span of history.
Reasons for this may include divisions within their family that adhered to
different Christian beliefs that led to the schism between Protestants or Huguenots
and Catholic interests allied with the Royalty of France. As in many families
these disagreements led to different part of the family supporting either side
of the argument. Many of these disagreements had apocryphal overtones that did
not fit the vision of the Roman Church during this era. These disagreements
also compelled the Church to study these subjects and in some cases offer an
alternate version of events that could be more easily controlled by them.
members like Louis Alexandre Rochefoucauld duc d’Anville had a close
association with Presidents Jefferson and Adams and he was also associated with
Benjamin Franklin and the Marquis de Lafayette. Louis Alexandre had printed the
Declaration of Independence and portions of some American state Constitutions
in French for the first time. At this point in history during the American
Revolution and prior to the French Revolution it was not unusual that a faction
of influential French nobility also had some issues with the way the monarchy
was running the country. They may have felt that a Republic would have
benefitted their wealth and position in world trade better than adhering to the
apparent whims of Louis XV for instance. Louis Alexandre was the son of the duc
d’ Anville famous for the ill fated d’Anville Expedition to French Acadia or
Nova Scotia.
It is
unfortunate that Louis was executed in the early days of the French Revolution
due to his noble status. This then resulted in Mr. Short Jefferson’s secretary
at the time having an affair with Louis Alexandre’s wife. All of this
illustrates the close and idealistic ties some of the nobility had with the
concept of the Republic that the United States would become. Eventually after
many trials and tribulations France would also become a Republic free of the
bonds imposed by a monarchy and the church. It is possible that over time a
family such as the Rochefoucaulds may have also developed some businesses and
interests in the young United States.
previous studies, I have discussed the possible role of Rochefoucauld family
members in the saga of Oak Island. An earlier duc d’Anville, Louis Alexandre’s
father Jean Baptiste had lost his life on the ill fated d’Anville expedition. The
d’Anville Expedition was also immortalized in the poem “The Ballad of the
French” fleet by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow whom this author has also pointed
to as having some educated insights to phenomenon such as the works of Dante
and other aspects of strange American history. The expedition failed in the end
and resulted in the death of the duc d’Anville.
expedition had been designed to liberate Acadia or Nova Scotia from the British
and then to proceed to sack Boston which represented a major trading partner
with a then British aligned Nova Scotia at that time. Speculation by this
author includes the possibility that d’Anville was bringing funds to aid them
in their quest to liberate Nova Scotia or Acadia and form a free Republic in
league with their exiled allies the Stewart Kings of England, Ireland, and
Scotland. The expedition occurred just after the time of the failed Jacobite Rebellion
in Scotland representing Bonnie Prince Charlie’s last attempt to regain his
family’s lost crowns. These funds may have once been hidden at Oak Island
regardless of the truth of the Money Pit theory.
Indeed the
Rochefoucauld and Stewart families were also linked with each other over the
centuries as well as with other storied families such as the de La Tour’s and
others. In this way it may be a hidden coincidence that Charles de La Tour was
actually distantly related to William Alexander the first Baron of Nova Scotia.
It is also clear the de La Tour family had some very important family relations
via the Stewart Dukes of Albany to James I and his descendants Charles I and II
as well as James II, III, and Bonnie Prince Charlie. All these royals had in
turn descended from Mary Queen of Scots who was more French than Scottish in
many ways. A detailed examination of the life of Mary Queen of Scots suggests
that she too had some alternate beliefs with regard to Mary Magdalene that went
hand in hand with what the other French families may have also believed.
these kinds of friendships and family alliances it is no surprise that this
class of people also had an affinity for classic works of art and literature
that they may have interpreted personally. Their family had also included
Francois IV duc de La Rochefoucauld Prince de Marcillac the author of “Maxims”
in 1668. “Maxims” was sort of moral guidebook for different situations in life
that some compare to specific works of Sir Francis Bacon. At this time
Rochefoucauld was close friends with none other than Madame Lafayette a direct forebear
of the Marquis de Lafayette famous in the American Revolution. It was also
Francois IV who had been noted as owning the famous “Hunt of the Unicorn”
Tapestries at the end of his life. As we know the Unicorn tapestries would
eventually be purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and
are now on display at the Cloisters Art Museum in upper Manhattan.
Copies of
these tapestries are now on display at Stirling Castle in Scotland which also
served as the seat of the Scottish Stewart family of Scottish Kings for
centuries. It is known that other original tapestries depicting the Hunt of the
Unicorn were once present there in antiquity. The ownership of such a work of
art may indicate some alternate views about Christianity on the part of their
owners. Many aspects of the theme of the tapestries may be applied to an alternate
version of the life of Christ including the fact that he in some way survived
the Crucifixion and went on to live the rest of his life in seclusion. With
this in mind it is interesting that both Scottish Monarchs and the
Rochefoucauld family valued tapestries that displayed such an esoteric view of
the life of Christ.
Of course,
some versions of this life of Christ also have him coming to France with his
wife Mary Magdalene and establishing what may be considered a Holy bloodline.
These ideas whether true or false have captured the imagination of the mystery
loving public via stories such as those present at Rennes le Chateau in France
and Shugborough Hall in England. Part of the reason for these lost treasure
stories may be to in part attract the curious and initiate them into a part of
history that was recorded but then obscured or forgotten about. Via the d’Anville
Expedition mentioned above it may also be that this mythology was then applied
to the cultural phenomenon that is Oak Island. The theme of Arcadia is present
through many different eras of history that also involve the Rochefoucauld
family and their close relatives the de La Roche family. Given this and much
more we may speculate that these families or parts of them may have held
beliefs that included a Holy Bloodline and the possibility that they held this
heritage as part of their family legacy.
people relate the concept of a Holy Bloodline to the concept of what we may
consider the Holy Grail. In short the Grail is a chalice that represents the womb
of Mary Magdalene that had propagated the blood of Christ. In other mythology
or folklore the Holy Grail is a chalice, basin, or cup that Joseph of Arimathea
collected some of the blood of Christ in. This in many versions of the story is
said to be a stone cup or basin. As time and history progressed an entire genre
of literature and art including the works of Poussin and others had studied
this theme with each artist or writer putting his own thoughts and ideas into a
story that involved the search for the lost Holy Grail. Over time this quest
even became a sort of initiation for many of the characters portrayed in
literature including those developed in works of literature like “Amadis de
Gaula” and Philip Sidney’s “Arcadia.” These works of art were often presented
in a way that left the viewer or reader having to figure out the metaphorical
secrets presented in the work. As such it was likely easier for one who had
been initiated or had been told of these secret prior to understand the
cloistered meaning of such pieces of art. These initiatory secrets may have
been taught to people from specific families who were also in turn associated
with these secrets.
The theme
of Arcadia seems to also have been applied hand in hand with the search for
this enigmatic object or concept. All of the literature produced with regard to
the Holy Grail may even leave the reader questioning what the Grail really is.
Is the grail a concept like the Blood of Christ or is it a physical object that
may help to prove the validity of this concept? It is clear that when a mystery
such as this is propagated over time it can take on many alternate meanings and
even political overtones in an age when people would question the party line of
the Roman Church in dictating such beliefs to the public at large. Over time
the Church seems to have chosen to adapt some of these concepts by putting
their own historical spin on these myths and legends thus further confusing
things as may have been their intention in so doing.
It may be
that in the creation of a storied organization like the Pontifical Academy of
Arcadia that a response from the church had been attempted. Yet earlier in
history we see several examples of this concept having been portrayed in art or
hidden in literary works by authors such as Chretian de Troyes and Wolfram Von
Eschenbach. Both of these authors wrote works that presented the public with
both Arthurian Legends in association with storied Knighthoods and the Holy
Grail itself.
works were produced at a point in history where only the wealthy and elite
classes of the people knew how to read or interpret these things. This class of
people had the resources to educate themselves beyond the tenets set forth by
the Church alone and part of this trend included alternate versions of the standard
story of Christianity. This literary genre loosely termed “The Grail Romances”
would have a large impact over time on the public’s view of subjects like the
Holy Blood or Holy Grail. Eventually places like Rennes le Chateau would come
to define this concept for many people. Many of the Grail Romances also
included attributes specific to the country in which the story was taking place
that in turn applied a significance to the region in question. This is an early
form of Nationalism. Many of these works of literature and art may have also
been paid for by the same patrons that then had the skills to understand the hidden
meanings of such art.
It is no
surprise then that a family like de La Rochefoucauld would become associated
with what is today termed “The Rochefoucauld Grail.” The Rochefoucauld Grail is
a literary work or illuminated manuscript that contains the earliest known
Lancelot character as associated with the legends of King Arthur and the Holy
Grail. This early version of the Holy Grail manuscript as associated with King
Arthur was said to have been funded by Guy VII Baron de La Rochefoucauld
possibly in the years 1315 to 1325. It may be that the Rochefoucauld family had
possession of these volumes until at least the early eighteenth century when
they were purchased by English antiquarians. Note here that there is also a
French version of the King Arthur story that takes place in Avallon, France. This
may then again point to Francois Rochefoucald IV who owned the Unicorn
Tapestries as also once having owned the Rochefoucauld Grail manuscript.
Does this
mean that the Rochfoucauld family possessed an physical item that may be termed
the Holy Grail? Short answer would be no but they may have possessed some
knowledge or value of the concept as it applies to the Blood of Christ or Mary
Magdalene. This concept could also be extended to the lineage of the Brother of
Jesus James. Given that there are stories about the stone cup of Christ
associated that may be located at the Cathedral in Valencia, Spain as first
noted at Saintes Maries de La Mer in France. Saintes Maries de La Mer is also
home to the legend of the Three Mary’s coming ashore in a rudderless boat
greeted by Sara the Egyptian Girl. These stories go hand in hand with the
accepted Roman Church versions of Mary Magdalene and her relics located at St.
Maximim de La St. Baum not far from Marsailles France. This legend also has
Mary living like a Christian hermit in a cave and of course not bearing the
children of Christ or anyone else. A later extensive genealogy of the
Rochefoucauld family owned by Anne de La Tour the wife of the Duke of Albany in
the earl sixteenth century also points to their descent from an Egyptian
Princess known as Belle Moree.
Here we
have another amazing association between this storied family in relation to
their ownership of the “Hunt of the Unicorn” tapestries which also display
similar themes in relation to Christ and the Holy Grail. It is notable that
this version or edition of the Arthurian myth was owned by this family who in
previous works I have associated with the Holy Grail whether it be a physical
object or cup as well as the possibility of the Blood of Christ theories. In
many ways, it does not matter if these things are empirically true as these
concepts have become part of the psyche of free thinking Christians in Europe for
centuries. Many of the people who hold these beliefs may also have a value of
the mythology of Melusine the half mermaid female that may in turn be related
to Merovingian mythology or lore. Melusine is associated with emerging from the
sea in the same way the mythology of Mary Magdalene, Europa, and the Quinotaur
are associated.
This is
also amazing in league with the later history of the family in association with
the American historical figures of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.
Later members of the family including a later Francois Rochefoucauld would have
personal correspondence and associations with these men who had in turn created
the United States of America. This further displays the alternate thinking of
the storied Rochefoucauld family or at least factions thereof. If the
Rochefoucauld family had any insights or relics that may apply to this concept
would this then extend to any possible interests or associations they had with
the United States? For instance, there are many theories of something important
having been brought to America during and after the colonial period leading to
the creation of the United States. Here again we may be presented with the
concepts of the lost manuscript or other relics that may prove a certain point
of view in relation to alternate thinkers who promoted a view somewhat outside
the box of the Roman Churches version of events.
such as those present at Oak Island Nova Scotia and in Virginia seem to hint at
such things. Stories of hidden vaults and Money Pits abound in both places.
Many times, the theme of Arcadia can be discerned in the legends surrounding
these places. It is almost as if they are using the same vague initiatory
techniques what were applied in the original Grail Romances present in volumes
just like the Rochefoucauld Grail.
The entire
Arthurian Legend itself also has what may be considered Arcadian overtones. The
time of Arthur is often portrayed as an idyllic period of history in which he
was a benign ruler whose domain was comprised of a peaceful agrarian society in
which the Knights of the Round table both protected and enjoyed many adventures
in association with. This matches the description and value of the culture of
the real Arcadia in Greece during the periods of history when Greek mythology
was being first developed.
further we may also include the Arthurian theme in the astronomical
constellations in the sky just as we can with the theme of Arcadia. Of course,
the word Arcadia is based on the mythological Greek character of Arcas. In myth
Arcas is cast into the sky as the bear Ursa Minor whose tail includes the Pole
Star or North Star sometimes referred to as the Stella Maris or Star of Mary.
Arcas’ mother was also cast into the sky by Zeus as Ursa Major with she and her
son comprising the two circumpolar bears who are shepherded by the Shepherd of
Arcadia the constellation Bootes also sometimes referred to as “The Ploughman.”
Interestingly Bootes contains the star Arcturus which may be associated with
the Arthurian Legend which also includes the Holy Grail. It may be via this
value of Arcadia or Arcas that the Pole Star is important in relation to its
use in navigation, cartography, astronomy, and astrology. This may be why
navigational references abound in any story involving the Holy Grail or
Arcadian theme in the opinion of this author.
somewhat hidden aspect of a value of Arcadia may have then been applied to
specific octagonal structures that were meant to form a Prime Meridian that is
squared using the pole star representative of the polar axes of the earth. In
Greek this is termed an Axis Mundi which may also translate to an early version
of an astronomical observatory. Such a place may have had added importance in
an age when astrology and astronomy were nearly the same discipline. This
concept may have also taken on mystical or alchemical overtones in the eras of
history in which people were not generally taught to read.
In fact
the use of the axis mundi as a map projection may have given rise to the
original and incorrect theory of the flat earth. Given our theory here this
concept would have been somewhat of a revelation to the wealthy classes of
people who began to read and appreciate pieces of literature written by de
Troyes, Von Eschenbach, and as we will see Infante Enrique “The Senator” of
Castile. This newfound literacy would also apply to the works of the Greeks and
Romans and later even the Egyptians.
Legends of King Arthur may also have another interesting connection to a
specific individual who some scholars present as being representative of the
character Merlin in the Arthurian saga. Though Michael Scot (1175-1232) lived
after the time of Chretian de Troyes or other early portrayals of Merlin the
magician it is clear that he was a real character that matched some of the
legendary aspects of the character as told. Michael Scot did live during the
era in which stories like “Amadis de Gaula” and the Arthurian grail romances
were being developed and embellished by a variety of authors and artists.
Michael Scot is even believed by some to be a forebear of the great eighteenth
and early nineteenth century writer and antiquarian of Scotland Sir Walter
Scott. Michael Scot is even said to have been entombed at Melrose Abbey which
is the location that is part of the story of Sir Walter Scott’s “The Monastery”
and “The Abbot.”
Scot is considered one of the people that established the long tradition or
concept of the Scotus Magi or Scottish magi. The term “magi” may refer to a man
of relative talent in the practical matters of astronomy, alchemy, and other
sciences of the medieval period such as they were. At this time, his talents
likely included an understanding of both astronomy and astrology for example.
Michael Scot may also serve to have inspired later people like Dr. John Dee of
England and Giordino Bruno who coincidentally was a friend of Philip Sidney’s.
Bruno even dedicated one of his works entitled “Spaccio de La Bestia Trionfante
and Degli Eoici Furori”
to Sidney (Space of the Triumphant Beast and
their Furors). Many other researchers attribute Cabalistic overtones to the
As a major
point of interest Michael Scot also had a close association with a Holy Roman
Emperor who was not only part of a family associated with the real history of
the Grail Romances but was also an intellectual equal of Scots. Frederick II
Holy Roman Emperor of the House of Hoenstaufen of what is today Germany was
also once the Latin King of Jerusalem, Naples, and Sicily. Frederick was known
to have employed Michael Scot as magi much in the same way Charlemagne his
forebear had been said to have employed “Scotus Magi” or Scottish scholars as
part of his colleges and personal advisers. In fact we may see how Charlemagne
himself may possibly be the root of all the Grail romances due to his affinity
for early Christianity and admiration of the Roman and Byzantine cultures. Many
of the myths and legends of Charlemagne also indicate this could be true.
may have even created Aachen Cathedral as an architectural inspiration
associated with his alternate beliefs. There are many unverifiable legends and
myths of how Charlemagne had hidden the location of his tomb which was said to
have included valuable manuscripts such as the Coronation Gospels and other
relics related to early European and Christian history along with his remains.
These legends go on to state that subsequent Holy Roman Emperors like
Barbarossa and Frederick II had been prompted to solve these mysteries and had then
been the beneficiaries of said hidden knowledge. These so called “man in the
mountain” myths also seemed to have influenced some core values of Rosicrucian
thought in that Christian Rosencrantz the founder of that philosophy was said
to be interred in a seven sided chamber in an unknown mountain surrounded by a
library that would reveal many secrets associated with Christianity and earlier
similar faiths. The entire life narrative of Frederick II indicates the
possible truth of this theory.
II clearly had an affinity for Charlemagne and even funded a golden sarcophagus
that surrounded the stone tomb he had been found in. Subsequently the tomb of
Frederick II himself in many ways resembles that of Charlemagne. The
similarities do not stop there in association with Michael Scot. Michael Scot
was also an intellectual who could have easily encoded or inferred the truths
hidden in these legends leading to some practical conclusions.
One legend
or myth states that Frederick and Scot used a specific tower to make
astronomical associations. As a test Frederick had the tower extended by
several feet to see if Scot would notice. This myth or legend states that Scot
attempted to use the tower again and confronted Frederick with the fact that
the tower had been altered. Scot had also once penned a volume entitled “Sphereae”
which touched on the geometry needed to calculate the exact size and shape of
the earth about four hundred years earlier than the famous astronomer Cassini
had actually accomplished this feat. If so then this would have also aided Scot
in accurately plotting the position and relationships of not only heavenly
bodies but also points on the earth. That is he may have had access to a
technique that allowed him to draw more accurate maps at that time in history.
This would have also comprised a great secret of great value compared to those
that did not possess this information or understanding.
was said to have been a highly intelligent person who followed the tradition of
the House of Hoenstaufen’s value of Roman and Byzantine culture in much the
same way Charlemagne had. Charlemagne had even included spoilia or elements of
architecture taken from Ravenna, Italy and other Roman and Byzantines sites for
use in the construction of Aachen Cathedral. Some stories even say some of the
grey Aswan granite columns from the ruins of Baalbek in Lebanon had been
brought for use in Aachen.
In many
ways Charlemagne’s construction of Aachen Cathedral may have been a copy of the
Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Charlemagne was not too far
removed from the early seventh century date of construction of the Dome of the
Rock which does indeed show many tenets of Byzantine construction. It is this
author’s theory that the Dome of the Rock was indeed clandestinely dictated by
Byzantine Emperor Justinian II as the Caliphate of Jerusalem was paying him
tribute as an excharate at that time. If true Charlemagne would have also know
that the architectural layout of Ravenna had been the true inspiration for the
layout of architecture later seen on the Temple mount in the form of the Dome
of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque (originally known of as the Church of St. Mary
Justinian I).
theory also states that due to Charlemagne’s affinity for Byzantine and Roman
culture that he too was aware of this truth as well as the tenets of
alternative Christian views held by Romans and Byzantines after the time of
Christ. This may lead us to suspect that Charlemagne’s hidden library did
include what may be considered today copies of the apocryphal gospels such as
the Gospel of Mary Magdalene for instance. In fact this entire tradition may
have been begun by Constantine who also seemed to have an affinity for
octagonal structures like the Daphne palace in Constantinople and the Domus
Aurea of Antioch (A copy of the Domus Aurea of Nero in Rome). There is likely
no one in history who had more access to the said apochryphal gospels and other
esoteric information than Constantine.
This in
turn may have lead the House of Hoenstaufen to also value the culture of the
Byzantine’s and Roman’s in the tradition of Charlemagne as is noted.
Coincidentally the suffix “Staufen” also means “chalice” as in one of the
descriptions of the Holy Grail. Some sources state the family took this name in
part due to the presence of many chalice shaped hills or mountains in the
region they came from originally. Some people point to Frederick and
Charlemagne’s value and emulation of Byzantine culture translating to the fact
that they had also knew of and had solved mysteries left by Constantine that
had revealed these things. Since no one really knows where Constantine’s
remains are today it may be that they had been sequestered as part of an
intentional esoteric learning tool that had been solved by Charlemagne and his Scotus
As a
result of all this it may be that Frederick II had built his own Grail Castle
in veneration of Charlemange and Constantine in the form of what is today
referred to as Castel del Monte in the Apulia region of Italy that Frederick
once ruled as part of the Kingdom of Naples. Castel del Monte is a perfect
octagonal structure with each corner of the octagon featuring a smaller
octagonal tower. The interior courtyard of the structure shows a perfectly
displayed octagonal portion of the sky that would lend itself to astronomical
observations unique to the structure. The center of the octagonal courtyard
also is said to have included an octagonal basin that in legend contained “Christs
Blood.” As in the stated tradition of such structures it may have also
represented a both spiritual and physical center of Fredericks domain on earth.
Any other points of interest to Frederick in the known world may have
referenced this specific point on earth presenting the possibility that other
subsequent specific events and additional structures may have been “pointed to”
or planned on the globe in reference to Castel del Monte. Of course, among its
other attributes Castel del Monte may have served as a Prime Meridian that
helped to define time and space in the emperor’s domain.
One of the
biggest connections between Frederick II and the Grail Romances may be
represented by Castel de Monte. The famous work entitled “Amadis de Gaula” was
said to have been penned there by Enrique “The Senator” of Castile. Enrique had
come from a powerful family that included the then Queen of England Eleanor of
Castile. Enrique also shared several ancestors in common with Frederick II as
well as the Paleologos family of the Latin Kingdoms in Greece where the
original Arcadia is located.
Amadis de
Gaula does include stories within its pages that refer to a strange stone in
which the hero’s name magically appears as in some of the versions of the
Arthurian legend and later Von Eschenbach’s “Parzival.” In addition this
strange stone is only accessed on what is referred to as “The Firm Island”
within a four chambered vault containing riches and volumes of rare information
as in the legends of Charlemagne and Rosicrucian thought. The vault is only accessed
by running a gauntlet of the three pillars with magical powers that repel the
seeker. Only the pure of heart can finish the gauntlet to access the inner
chamber where his name and his grail maiden’s name appear on an inscribed
stone. Many aspects of the description of the Firm Island in “Amadis de Gaula”
seem to suggest the imagery of Oak Island, Nova Scotia. Or is it the other way
Given this
story in league with the fact it was written by a member of Frederick’s family
possibly just past the time of Frederick’s death is amazing. Enrique was at
first allied with Frederick’s nemesis Charles I of Anjou who was actually a
distant cousin of Frederick’s. Charles gained most of Frederick’s titles after
his passing including the title of Latin King of Jerusalem at this mid
thirteenth century date. At one point Enrique was not satisfied with only being
made Senator of Rome revolted against Charles of Anjou and was captured and
subsequently imprisoned at Castel del Monte with some of Frederick’s
descendants that were also deemed a threat by Charles I. So it is both ironic
and amazing that Enrique of Castile had penned “Amadis de Gaula” at what may be
considered a grail castle built in the tradition of Charlemagne, the Dome of
the Rock and Constantine that includes some of the same elements and suggestion
of the Holy Grail popular at that era of history. (See other article here for a
more in depth discussion of “Amadis de Gaula”). Is it possible that Enrique was
exposing some of the family lore or mythology that he held in common with
Frederick II?
amazing is that “Amadis de Gaula” is one of the stated inspirations for the
literary work by Philip Sidney entitled “Arcadia” that includes a story
stunning similar to that of the original Money Pit folklore of Oak Island Nova
Scotia. Sidney is known to have owned a copy of “Amadis de Gaula” and he had
undoubtedly been exposed to the works of literature that also documented the
exploits of King Arthur and his Knights in league with the story of the Holy
Grail. Sidney is a prime example of the continuing literacy of nobles in the
post renaissance era in which he lived.
All of
this is interesting in the way that Frederick II conducted his life. Even
though he was Holy Roman Emperor his value of different points of view and
religion put him at odds with the Catholic Church who excommunicated him more
than once. For example, he even wore garb similar to the Byzantines and was
known to have a “harem.” Even the famous Knights Templar were at odds with
Frederick in that at one point he had negotiated a peaceful takeover of
Jerusalem with the Muslim’s who were then in control. This was Frederick’s
version of “taking the cross” in a promise he had made to the Vatican as penance
for having been excommunicated at one point.
Templars may have been upset that this deal did not include Christian control
of the Temple Mount which is also sacred to Muslims. One rumor or myth also
includes the fact that he was supposed to have rescued the Cathars at Montsegur
though this never materialized. Frederick was known to have had disputes with
the Cathars at points of his life as well. Given his disputes with the Vatican
and Knights Templar Frederick worked closely with his own Knighthoods and army
in league with the Teutonic Knights that were from his original home of Germany
and the Baltic rim. Frederick had very little to do with the Knights Templar
during his life though he did not openly oppose them. In some ways Frederick’s
issues with the Knights Templar seem to presage the same disagreements held
with the order by French King Philip le Bel who was in large part responsible
for the destruction and dissolution of the Knights Templar.
the octagonal form of Castel del Monte “points to” Oak Island Nova Scotia on
the globe. There are some influential later descendants of Frederick’s family
that may have arranged this including Prince Rupert of the Rhine. Prince Rupert’s
mother Elizabeth of Bavaria or sometimes known of as Elizabeth of Bohemia was the
daughter of James I of England whose life in many ways resembles that of her grandmother
Mary Queen of Scots. All along the line of this story is the Stewart family and
their associated French families like the Rochefoucauld and de la Tour families
present also in Acadian or Nova Scotia history. More on that next time. For now
thanks for reading here and considering the overtones of the “Rochefoucauld
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Illustration from the Rochefoucauld Grail |
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