"I have held up a light in the obscurity of Philosophy, which will be seen centuries after I am dead. It will be seen amidst the erection of Tombs, Theatres, Foundations, Temples, Orders and Fraternities for nobility and obedience — the establishment of good laws as an example to the World. For I am not raising a Capitol or Pyramid to the Pride of men, but laying a foundation in the human understanding for a holy Temple after he model of the World. For my memory I leave it to Men's charitable speeches, to foreign Nations and the next Ages, and to my own Country after some Time has elapsed." -- Francis Bacon, Advancement of Learning (1605), Bk II.

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Join me to explore the hidden tenets of arranged alignments of architecture and art. Structures as diverse as the Great Pyramid, Baalbek, The Tower of the Winds, Hagia Sopia, Basilica San Vitale, The Dome of the Rock, St. Peter's Square, Gisors, The Newport Tower, Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest, and the Georgia Guidestones all may have a common origin.

Three reproductions of the Tower of the Winds in England help to display how this age old value is viewed through time. Along the way many legends and myths associated with the Holy Grail and other relics are examined.

Treasure myths such as the Oak Island Legend and The Beale Treasure Legend may have a common origin and hidden meaning. The tale of The Bruton Parish Church Vault (a.k.a. "Bacon's Vault) may also be a copy of an already existent mystery at Stirling Castle.


Thomas Jeffersons Trip to the Languedoc and Possibly Rennes Le Chateau

Thomas Jefferson, The Holy Grail, and Rennes Le Chateau. By Bradbury Cort Lindahl

Also see my video on this subject at the bottom of the page.

The early morning fog was just starting to rise.  Pencil-like tendrils of fog snaked through the grass in the coming light. The two men ahead of you made their way through a maze of scattered boulders and rocks that had fallen from the cliffs above over the years. It felt good to be in the company of trusted companions in the wilds of the Languedoc. The first man suddenly seems to disappear into the cliff face itself as if by magic . Then the second.  You follow into the narrowest of entrances into a dry laid stone corridor that appears only as a cleft in the rocks from the outside.

As you make your way along the corridor rooms open up periodically on each side. The stone work is amazing and engineered to perfection. You stop and rest because you are told it will be several hours before you emerge once more. After continuing on this subterranean journey you stop to admire many strange and wondorous things along the way. In awe you know you are walking in the footsteps of Charlemagne and many other great ones. Rooms full of ancient relics and golden artifacts are seen only for minutes. Other chambers are filled with the sarcophagi of your fallen comrades from ages past. Everywhere are the symbols of your order and your ancient memories.

Finally you are ushered into one particular chamber where the relics and remains of Jesus Christ are stored. You tremble in fear and awe as you drop to your knees at the sight of the most secret and cloistered objects on the face of the earth.  You are Thomas Jefferson Secretary of State and future third president of the United States of America. You are in the presence of the remains of Son of God on this earth and his wife Mary Magdalene. After the appropriate rituals are performed and two more hours of navigating the tunnels you emerge into the warm afternoon sunshine and climate of the village of Rennes Le Chateau. 

Such may have been the experience of Thomas Jefferson as he was initiated into the Mysteries of Rennes Le Chateau. This is a fictional introduction to the possible truth. What follows contains some factual information which may support the myth.

Rennes Le Chateau is home to one of the great Grail Mysteries of France if not the entire world.  This small sleepy village in the Languedoc Roussillon region of France is steeped in the mythology and lore of Gnosticism, the Cathars, Knights Templar and the Holy Grail.  Rennes Le Chateau is the nadir of a controversy that could threaten the way the entire world views Christ and Christianity. The mystery has inspired countless books and movies and has captivated the imagination of the public for many years.

In recent years documentary film maker Henry Lincoln uncovered evidence that may have revealed much of the mystery. While on vacation Mr. Lincoln discovered a code in a paperback he had been reading on vacation entitled Le Tre’sor Maudit de Rennes Le Chateau (The Accursed Treasure of Rennes Le Chateau). The message deciphered in the book may include the same information later discovered by the local Catholic Priest at Rennes Le Chateau. Lincoln was surprised to have found this information hidden is such a book. For Lincoln this would lead to the production of several documentary films and authoring countless articles on the subject.

Tor Magdela at Rennes Le Chateau
 This book told the tale of how Father Sanguere had discovered a treasure that also included information that may prove the validity of the bloodline based faith practiced traditionally by many in this region of France.  These facts may at the same time conflict with those that believe Christ died and rose again. In addition to actual treasure this information may have included proof that Christ had survived the crucifixion and then lived at Rennes Le Chateau in France for the remainder of his life.

During this period Christ and Mary Magdalene are said to have fathered two sons who went on to form the basis of the Merovingian Bloodline of Royal Europe. Lincoln’s discovery went on to fuel a great fascination in this subject matter that has produced books such as Micahel Baingent’s “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” and movies like Dan Browns (book)“The Da Vinci Code.”

Since the time of Christ many powerful and influential people have shown great interest in uncovering the truth about Rennes Le Chateau and Jesus either to cover it up, expose it as fraud, or to learn the real truth. It may have been his fascination with rationality and truth that led the future third President of the United States of America Thomas Jefferson to personally visit Rennes Le Chateau.  If Jefferson ever visited there he may have viewed it as a pilgrimage to what he considered to be one of the holiest places on earth. To him Rennes Le Chateau may have represented the true story of Christ. If Jefferson was an adherent to this belief then it would also explain why his religious values are consistently described as that of a “deist.”

In Jefferson’s tour of the Languedoc in May of 1786 he visited many site’s that are valued by the Merovingian, Cathar, and Knights Templar philosophy. Spring time in the Languedoc.  Carcosonne and Beziers are placed of note he visited as both were valued by the Cathars and then the Knights Templar. In fact the entire region is a testament to alternative Christian belief. Jefferson enjoyed a float down the Canal du Midi and wrote to his daughter at this time “It is great to be in the land of corn, wine, and oil.” Many see this as a direct Masonic reference. While floating down the Canal Jefferson may have been amused at its similarity to the Canal of Ben Yusef of Ancient Egypt. Indeed the Canal was considered a monumental feat of engineering at that time and still is.

Of special note was Jefferson’s visit to a small village in the Languedoc called Souterrain St. Feriol. This may be a fact of huge importance as Souterrain St. Feriol is only three miles from Rennes Le Chateau!  Many modern maps designate this town as St. Ferioll.  In his autobiography Thomas Jefferson specifically refers to this village as “Souterrain St. Feriol.” This becomes pertinent in that the meaning of the word “Souterrain” implies much more that meets the eye.

Souterrain means without earth or Subterranean.  French archaeology has defined much of the vernacular and terms of that profession and this word is used internationally for any underground complex of ruins or structures (Merci). Thomas Jefferson was visiting a town named Souterrain St. Feriol that may have included a subterranean complex of tunnels and chambers located only three miles (4.8km) from Rennes Le Chateau. In this region of France many such sites range in date of construction from the Iron Age to the seventh and eighth century A.D. It is possible that any underground complex in St. Feriol may date to the time of the mid sixth century Saint for which the town is named (St. Ferriol d. 304 A.D). Very little information about the Souterrain in St. Feriol is available.

These facts dovetail nicely in that there are undocumented rumors of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin having visited Rennes Le Chateau at separate times. This legend includes the fact that both men searched hidden underground passageways that were associated with the Knights Templar. If these visits did occur it is possible Jefferson and Franklin were shown proof that Jesus did not die on the cross. They may have also seen rare artifacts and other historical items associated with the Knights Templar who later are said to have occupied the “tunnels of Rennes Le Chateau.” It is possible that their visits there were part of being initiated into a secret society that guards the secrets of the treasure.

Many believe this group to be the Priory of Sion or the Rex Deus bloodline. It is also within the realm of possibility that these secrets were eventually entrusted to the Knights Templar. Due to the fact that all of these activities occurred as a component of an occult construct there is no documented source to confirm these stories. One is left to speculate and gather evidence to form an opinion.

Is it possible that Jefferson and Franklin were introduced to the Mystery of Rennes Le Chateau while serving as U.S. Ministers to France?  Did Thomas Jefferson’s visit to Souterrain St. Feriol include secret tours of the mysteries of Rennes Le Chateau? Do  tunnels connect the two villages? No official note or diary entry indicates that Jefferson ever set foot in Rennes Le Chateau. It is no surprise that there is no record of this as Jefferson’s visit may have been occult or secret in nature.

St. Ferriol is an early Christian hero, this from Chateauhistory.htm (http://www.st-ferriol.com/chateauhistory.htm): "A number of saints bear the name Ferréol or Ferriol (Ferreolus, man-of-iron). The village of St Ferriol in the Aude is named after a tribune of the armies of Vienne (Dauphiné) who was supposedly arrested and tortured by the Romans for having welcomed Saint Julien de Brioude. Ferriol is said to have refused to persecute Christians and, despite God's efforts to save him, was captured and decapitated around AD 304." This defense of Christians came just before the reign of Emperor Constantine who would later chanege the state religion to Christianity.

Also from the same article:

"Relatively little is known about the history of the Château de St-Ferriol. Local records were lost in a fire in the early eighteenth century, and whatever remained seems to have been deliberately destroyed during the French revolution. From the few remaining records and architectural clues, we believe that we have a resonably good outline of the history of the Seigneurie, Village and Château of St-Ferriol."

If there was a secret to be kept then the forces behind the French Revolution may have had an interest in keeping something secret at St.Ferriol. The question still persists "Why did Jefferson come here?"  Was it a convenient point to rest. It is unclear how long he stayed.  It is clear that his name is stated as the editor of a book called "The Book of the Holy Grail" by Joseph of Arimathea that was written in nearby Rennes Le Chateau in the year 54 A.D.

It is odd that he came to St. Ferriol as it was somewhat out of his way.  Jefferson called the place "Souterrain of St. Feriol." His full use of the term also was odd in that he said "'thro' Souterrain of St. Feriol." What was he going through? In his autobiography Jeffeson gives his itinerary for the trip. All of the places he visits on this leg of the trip are along the Canal du Midi except for St. Feriol. Jefferson's words: "Castelnaudari, thro' the Souterrain of St. Feriol and back by Castelnaudari." This means he leaves Castenaudari on the canal goes to and through the Sourterrain of St. Feriol and then returns to Castelnaudari. He went well out of his way to visit Sourterrain St. Feriol so near Rennes Le Chateau.

There is no mention in any modern literature about any built or manmade  tunnel system in the area.  In fact
Thomas Jefferson's autobiography is the only source for the name of the villiage ever including the "Souterrain" portion of the name as he describes it.  Was he trying to leave a clue or hint to future Grail searchers? It is clear that the geologic makeup of the area does account for the many natural caves in the region leaving the possibility of some hidden passageways or chambers.

There are several other places in France with a similar name but only one is spelled St. Ferriol. Jefferson spelled it Feriol with one r. A mistake? It is possible he was referring to a place closer to his route of travel where a very large reservoir had been built to help feed the Canal du Midi. Jefferson did record a trip to this reservior in a correspondance. He went from Castenuardi to the reservior and back. This reservoir was the largest of its kind to date and it may have fascinated Jefferson. The dam of the reservoir does include a large vaulted tunnel used to control flow from the lake and clear it of silt. The tunnel may be described as a "souterrain."

The only clue that Jefferson may have traveled to St. Ferriol near Rennes Le Chateau is the spelling of the town he went to. The spelling of this town where the reservoir is does not use the abbreviation for Saint. It is called Saint Ferreol. Similar but significantly different spelling from Jefferson's. This is the only other town close that has a similar name. Still the question us raised: "Why did he say it was Souterrain St. Feroil?" He may have been referring to the tunnel associated with the dam. This is the only alternative explanation.

At this point this is all speculation.  We do know that Jefferson could speak French fluently and likely would not misuse a word like "souterrain" or mispell "Feroil." The name of the town as Jefferson states it suggests the existence of a complex of tunnels that may or may not connect to Rennes Le Chateau. Until some enterprising individual inspects the subterranean world in the area of Souterrain St. Feriol it will remain a mystery. It is possible that this secret is known of and protected by the so called Priory of Sion.  If the Souterrain does exist then what treasures may be cloistered in its depths? Even if the tunnels do not connect to Rennes Le Chateau the villages are so close together that the same mystery may apply. Note that Souterrain St. Ferriol is downslope from Renne Le Chateau and also has many caves nearby.

Perhaps one of the unsolved clues built into the Chapel at Rennes Le Chateau will point the way to the Souterrain’s entrance. Perhaps there is also an entrance in or very near to Rennes Le Chateau. The entire image of the Souterrain as an underground complex echoes the tale from the book of Enoch in which he constructs a nine layered subterranean temple that houses many mysteries. This resemblance and the secret nature of the tunnels may have later attracted the Knights Templar who may have ultimately been created by those of the bloodline. The secret of the Tunnels may have been inherited by the Templars.

The story does make sense in light of Jefferson’s fascination with ciphers, mysteries, and what an associate termed “personal meridians.”  Jefferson was a College of William and Mary trained land surveyor. Jefferson is said to have edited “The Book of the Holy Grail” by Joseph of Arimathea from French to English. The Book of the Holy Grail was said to have been written by Joseph at Renne Le Chateau. If Jefferson took the time to edit this book then chances are he valued its contents to some degree.

The modern forward of this book supposes that Jefferson was a Knights Templar Strict Observance which was a popular rite of Freemasonry in Europe at the time Jefferson lived and visited there. If Jefferson was a Knights Templar Strict Observance then it is no surprise that he would visit Rennes Le Chateau and the Languedoc. Given his status and possibly being a K.T.S.O it is no surprise that Jefferson would have been tapped for membership in the most elite group that existed at that time. This may have been what is considered the Priory of Sion or the Order of Excellence.

Also supporting this notion is the fact that German and French lodges at this time rejected the British form of Masonry.  The Strict Observance is basically a German form of Masonry that was popular during this era. It is likely that any Americans involved in Freemasonry in Europe at this time would have been members of lodges of the Strict Observance and not those of Britain.

The Book of the Holy Grail by Joseph of Arimathea was said to have been written at Rennes Le Chateau in 54 A.D.  This book describes the Merovingian Faith in the Bloodline of Jesus Christ. This book was edited for a second time in the mid nineteenth century by French Minister to the United States Henry Mercier. If Jefferson truly edited this book it may serve as strong evidence of his actual membership in the K.T.S.O.

Jefferson’s fascination with the Holy Grail may have led him to becoming involved in the establishment of ley lines and value a form of large scale geomancy that may be practiced only by those influential enough to build monuments and create alignments on a global scale. This practice may have involved the use of globes and a corresponding grid to plot exact locations based on astronomical and shadow measurement. His involvement in the planning of Washington D.C. may have included the establishment of a north to south alignment of presidential themed monuments that has been added to through the course of United States History. His initiation into these mysteries may have begun as a student of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg.

One of Jefferson’s alignments is situated on the Sacred longitude of 77deg 11min and includes from north to south: Meridian Hill Park (demarks the long.), The Scottish Rite Temple, The famous star delineated in the streets of the city is bisected by this line, The White House, The Jefferson Pierstone, The Jefferson Memorial, Regan Airport, Woodrow Wilson Bridge, Accokink MD, and Rose Hill MD. All of these places align from north to south in a straight line (arc) of longitude. 

This alignment even includes a legend of the Holy Grail in association. In the early days of colonial Maryland Captain John Smith is said to have made an expedition to this region not knowing of the future site of Washington.  There he encountered a Native American band.  During his stay with these natives John Smith is said to have “taught’ the Native Americans the Holy Grail. All of this occurred in Accokink, Maryland which would later fall on this sacred longitude. This may be pertinent in that he viewed the Grail as knowledge that may be taught or communicated to others. This suggests a belief that no treasure or physical objects are part of what is considered the Grail. 

In a pattern of many things associated with the Holy Grail this story is questioned by mainstream academics and written off as a fairy tail even though it is agreed that Smith actually made the trip and did write of his adventures. Many historians depict Smith as a brazen, man of his own whim who may have enjoyed a good yarn who simply invented the story. Still this tale may be considered the first of many Grail mysteries in North America that involve alignments of structures and monuments that contain directional information that is valued by those who believe in and quest for the Holy Grail.

In the end it is probable that Jeffeson never went to Rennes Le Chateau but there are some tantalizing clues that suggest he may have. He is supposed to have editied a book that was originally written there. The only hard evidence suggests that a visit occurred hinges on whether he mis-spelled the name of the town he visited.  Alternately the mis-spelling may have been an intentional clue to those in the know that he had visited there.

His spelling is much closer to the village of St. Ferriol only three miles from Rennes Le Chateau. In addition Jefferson goes on to briefly describe his trip to the reservoir of Saint Ferreol. Either way it is clear to see that he knew and valued the history, lore, and culture of the Languedoc. It is clear that he and many of his comtermporary patriots valued the Languedoc region of France. Both the capitol of Vermont and James Madison's home were named Montpelier which is the capitol of the Languedoc. Jefferson designed the Virginia State Capitol on the Roman Temple Maison Caree in Nimes, Languedoc. Jefferson and many early patriots may have at least been told the lore of the area and it may have inspired them to create some uniquely American grail mysteries for us to ponder.

For more on Jefferson and his esoteric beliefs please see the main page of this blog for an extensive article.

Authors Note:  This article serves to show how easy it is to misinterpret the facts.  Two towns with similar names either make this a confusing story or a great way to hide where he actually visited. I chose to include this article just to expose what I found. Ultimately it does look like there is no record that he visited Rennes Le Chateau. Still the similarity of the villages names does make one wonder.  Thank you. -Cort

I am still adding to this so stay tuned!