"I have held up a light in the obscurity of Philosophy, which will be seen centuries after I am dead. It will be seen amidst the erection of Tombs, Theatres, Foundations, Temples, Orders and Fraternities for nobility and obedience — the establishment of good laws as an example to the World. For I am not raising a Capitol or Pyramid to the Pride of men, but laying a foundation in the human understanding for a holy Temple after he model of the World. For my memory I leave it to Men's charitable speeches, to foreign Nations and the next Ages, and to my own Country after some Time has elapsed." -- Francis Bacon, Advancement of Learning (1605), Bk II.

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Join me to explore the hidden tenets of arranged alignments of architecture and art. Structures as diverse as the Great Pyramid, Baalbek, The Tower of the Winds, Hagia Sopia, Basilica San Vitale, The Dome of the Rock, St. Peter's Square, Gisors, The Newport Tower, Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest, and the Georgia Guidestones all may have a common origin.

Three reproductions of the Tower of the Winds in England help to display how this age old value is viewed through time. Along the way many legends and myths associated with the Holy Grail and other relics are examined.

Treasure myths such as the Oak Island Legend and The Beale Treasure Legend may have a common origin and hidden meaning. The tale of The Bruton Parish Church Vault (a.k.a. "Bacon's Vault) may also be a copy of an already existent mystery at Stirling Castle.


The Latitude and Longitude grid, The Flower of Life Grid and the mysteries of Baalbek, Lebanon.

The Latitude and Longitude grid, The Flower of Life Grid and the mysteries of Baalbek, Lebanon.

The Pyramids of Giza are truly one of the great enigmas of history.  Men who had never seen the pyramids spent a great deal of time and thought contemplating their origins and meaning (including me). The pyramids of Egypt may represent the origins of the mystery school teachings.  As this tradition descended through history it may have evolved into the Holy Grail myths of Western Europe and North America.

It is possible that the geometric and mathematic concepts hidden within the dimensions and orientation of the Great Pyramid are a type of Holy Grail. Through some study of the spatial orientation of the Great Pyramid of Giza (GPOG) and its history in more modern times it may be possible to develop an alternate solution to at least one of the mysteries inferred by this grand edifice.

An examination of the historical details surrounding the destruction of the original casement to the GPOG may reveal new information and support some old notions of the mystery of the Great Pyramid. In the late 1300’s Islamic interests destroyed the casement of the Great Pyramid to salvage the already cut stones for use in the developing city of Cairo. This is a practical and useful reason for doing this.  It does seem odd and inappropriate to destroy such a monument in this manner. This may reflect a disrespect for the spiritual message of the ancient Egyptian faith. Alternately devout Muslims may have viewed the pyramid as something satanic or evil and it may have been presented to them this way as a rationale for its destruction.

Hidden in this scenario at some point is a learned Muslim individual who at some point after the advent of the Islamic faith found himself visiting Cairo.  During this trip a visit to Giza found this intelligent person at the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza.  This individual would have been a well traveled merchant or agent of some learning institution.

A walk around the structure revealed a near perfect square of immense propotions. The nearly white smooth sides were a wonder of technology. The Scope of what was being seen overwhelmed the mind. As his head spins from contemplating the mystery of the Great Pyramid he hears a distant call to prayer and decides to pray and face Mecca where he was since he was too far away to go to the mosque. 

A quick check of the sun tells him he is at the southeast corner of the Great Pyramid. In an Islamic tradition he does a brief calculation given the time of prayer and position of the sun in the sky and faces Mecca to pray. He prays while facing Mecca as is the tradition of Islam.  As he finishes his prayer he once again turns to face the pyramid. His view is facing directly up the southeast facet line of the great pyramid. This was curious. The corner of the structure is pointing the same direction he had just been praying to. In a flash of realization he knows that the pyramid is pointing to Mecca as he had when he faced that holy city to pray. He had always wondered why there was an obelisk of the ancient Egyptians in Mecca and know he began to have a real understanding of why.  The rational part of his mind and education told him this was much more than a coincidence. He would have to find a way to share this information with others of his faith.

This discovery may have led to the destruction of the casement stones and the concealment of the true orientation of the Great Pyramid.  If one examines the history of the study of the Great Pyramid some of the first westerners to measure it state that its orientation may have been slightly different when the casement was still intact. Is it possible that someone was trying to hide its true orientation?  This same discovery may have also led to the Egyptian obelisk in Mecca becoming an object to stone and defile instead of value in a more positive manner.

The Flower of Life Grid

The above fictional account may have occurred in one way shape or form.  Did those of the Muslim faith recognize the geomantic qualities of the Great Pyramid?  Were the directional qualities of the Great Pyramid one of the mysteries of ancient Egypt? The answer to these questions is unknown but many factors lead to the possibility of this as the truth. The Great Pyramid of Giza points to the holy city of Mecca and possibly right to the Grand Mosque itself. As part of their faith Muslims are made aware of which direction to face at prayer time no matter where on the globe they may be.  This instills and propagates an ancient value of spatial orientation and may spark many peoples mind and curiosity. Of all of the faiths on earth it would make sense that Muslims would be concerned with such issues.Their regard for Mecca makes it the spiritual center point of the world. The Axis Mundi so to speak.

Other factors that point to the GPOG being used as a kind of practical as well as spiritual datum include its’ spatial relationship with the ruins of Baalbek, Lebanon.  Baalbek is one of the most perplexing ancient sites on the face of the earth.  The ruins that are now there are located atop a huge platform that may be much older than previously suspected.  The most astounding feature of the platform itself is the fact that the largest cut stones ever found on earth comprise part of the platform’s construction.

One of the major components of the Roman era ruins that are located atop the temple platform is a large hexagonal structure.  If one creates an azimuth on the globe that begins at the tip of the great pyramid and extends it the 407 miles to the hexagon an incredible association occurs. This line matches the northeast facing facet of the hexagon! It is as if the structure itself was placed here specifically and oriented to receive this line. It is within the realm of possibility that this spot was valued due to its spatial orientation with the Great Pyramid of Giza.The facet of the Great Pyramid points to Baalbek!

In turn each facet of the hexagon can be used to create azimuths on the globe that lead to places significant to those who created Baalbek. This value may reflect an identical ancient value of the structure. The Great Pyramid of Giza operates in the same manner and may have up to sixteen pertinent directions inferred in its shape and orientation from plan view.  Baalbek may have up to twelve important directions inferred in its construction. In other words elements of these two structures point the way to and from each other as well as to to places important to them.

Here again displayed is the Roman tradition of the Axis Mundi or Axis of the World that undoubtedly sprang from Egypt . This tradition dictates the establishment of a gnomon or center point.  Rays that extend from this center point at even divisions are considered the Templum or seen world from this point. The Templum establishes the domain of the ruler or group that created the Axis. In the Roman and Byzantine Empire a priest class known as Augurs preformed rituals along with the ruler to establish these holy spots.  More often than not a Temple was placed at the Templum for both practical and spiritual reasons.Many Egyptian priests seemed to serve a similar function to the Augurs of Rome.

In the case of Baalbek the hexagonal shape was used as the Templum.  Many other Axis of the World utilize an octagon as opposed to a hexagon so Baalbek is unique in this aspect. The use of sacred geometrical shapes in the creation of Axis and Templum is a common thread for establishing these systems the world over in many different cultures and regions. 

The spatial relationship of the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Hexagon of Baalbek may have been the earliest model for the grid of latitude and longitude that is used today on maps and globes. The positions and orientation of both structures displays the near perfect dimensions of the hypotenuse of the rectangle of lat/long that separate the two sites. Using the modern grid of lat/long these two structures represent a block of latitude and longitude that would occur at this latitude. The hypotenuse of this block as viewed on the globe today is 412 miles at 45 degrees TN. The GPOG and Baalbek are at (from the pyramid) 45.55 deg TN @ 407 miles. Close enough to consider the possibility that this is was one of the reasons for Baalbek’s subsequent placement and value in its current position. Even using the standard zero degree orientation of the GPOG Baalbek falls w/ in three miles of that azimuth. Maybe Zecharia Sitchin noticed this relationship as he pondered the landing route or Annunaki space craft?

Baalbek is a site that was known to have been valued in an esoteric manner by many generations of Roman and European Royalty. The stone for pillars that were used to create the Temple’s of Jupiter and Baccus at Baalbek were brought from the famous Aswan Quarry in Upper Egypt.  This is the same quarry where the granite that composes the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid was obtained. This is another interesting link between the two structures beyond any planned spatial relationship. The granite from this quarry seemed to have been valued over a very wide temporal range. What was it about this particular stone that was valued?

Later in early Christian times Emperor Justinian I obtained stonework from many ancient sites to use in the rebuilding of Hajia St. Sophia in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey).  Included were several of the granite columns that came from Baalbek and had been fashioned of the Aswan granite. Later in the late nineteenth century Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany would ship two columns from Baalbek as a donation towards the construction of the Blue Mosque which is very near the Hippodrome of Theodosius and Hajia St. Sophia.  This is an interesting value of stones that may have been considered to be sacred by certain groups.It is possible that a belief exists in some sort of power being held within the granite of Aswan, Egypt.

(Note also that Hajia St. Sophia is pointed to by the Templum of St. Peter’s square in Vatican City. Using the obelisk at the center of St. Peter’s and the East windrose marker an azimuth can be created that crosses the marker and leads to the dome of Hajia St. Sophia. See the Geomancy of the Vatican page).

Baalbek was visited by Alexander the Great (a Greek) during his conquest of the Levant in the early fourth century B.C. Alexander was known to have a unique value of the Egyptian culture.  The line from the tip of the GPOG to Baalbek also transects or passes over the site of Heliopolis Egypt. Alexander renamed Baalbek Heliopolis in veneration of the Egyptian city. This also lends evidence to the fact that he was aware of and valued the spatial relationship of the two places by naming Baalbek such.  Later in his campaign of the Levant Alexander would lay siege to the city of Tyre.  Tyre is located along the same azimuth from the GPOG as Baalbek and Heliopolis.  After the siege went on for several months Alexander had his troops build a causeway that can still be seen today to the island fortress.  After subduing Tyre Alexander had 6.000 of its residents crucified outside the city very near the azimuth from the Great Pyramid. 

Some wild myths have Alexander's mother, Olympia, being a priestess at the oracle of Dodona in Greece. Perhaps it was through his mother that Alexander valued Egypt and subsequently may have known about the connection between Baalbek and Egypt.  His visit there is also interesting because, using the commonly accepted chronology of the current ruins in Baalbek, they had not been built yet. There was something there of enough value for Alexander to visit and admire. There are many records of Roman Emperors visiting Baalbek including Pompey.  Julius Ceasar established a colony there during his reign.  Construction on the current ruins continued all the way up until the fall of the Roman Empire. Some scholars insist that the priesthood of Baalbek was Egyptian in nature as in other Levant colonies such as Tyre and Byblos.

As stated before even as late as the 1890’s Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany visited here and left a plaque behind to commemorate his visit.  The Kaiser also negotiated permission for a team of archaeologists to study Baalbek for the first time. This pattern of value does indicate some hidden value of Baalbek by the absolute top echelons of the elite through a wide span of history.  Soon after the Kaiser’s visit more modern maps using Baalbek as the gnomon or center point were produced. These maps were known to have used the “Baalbek Projection” and may have given German archaeologist’s an advantage in locating other sites that may have been included in the Templum of Baalbek.It is possible that certain groups of elite people have been aware of these associations for a long time.

All of these rulers may have been aware of a hidden significance of Baalbek.  Baalbek may represent the spiritual center or Axis of the power of the Roman Empire. Baalbek may have been the Axis Mundi Magne of the Roman world.  As such it would have also served as the gnomon point of beginning point for mapping the Roman Empire as well as the official measurement point of time. Within this context it all may have been kept secret using mystery school secret societies and techniques. Baalbek may have also been a place of great importance to the Tribe of Dan of ancient Israel long before the time of the Romans.

The Flower of Life Grid

Using the hypotenuse dimensions of the 407 miles between the GPOG and Hexagon of Baalbek lines of this length can be extended in the six major directions inferred by the hexagonal part of the ruins. This creates a hexagon on the face of the earth that is 814 miles in diameter or 407 miles in length from the hexagonal datum at the center (radius). Other hexagonal projections could be attached to this hexagon and eventually it would have been possible to create a relatively accurate map of the entire earth. Using this system points could be identified that had never been visited.Smaller triangular grid cells could divide this shape like a game board.

This early grid may have covered the globe with a grid of hexagons composed of triangles that resembles the Flower of Life sacred geometrical design. Maybe the Roman Empire and subsequent ruling class has always used the Flower of Life grid in an occult manner? This may be a secret of the elite that has never been exposed prior to this.

This arrangement in turn creates a kind of crude map projection within which spatial associations can be made with a minimum of error or distortion.  This type of projection would also make drawing the maps much easier than plotting the exact location of each point separately on a given map. These distances (407-412 miles) may have been chosen because they knew that if they made the Templum larger the margin of error or distortion would become so large as to ruin the accuracy of the maps produced.This shape and system can also be used at a much smaller scale than being discussed here.

In turn this information may have been hidden and used only to the advantage of those in the know. The Egyptians had developed a form of mapping that could provide more accurate maps than previously possible. Through the mystery schools this information was learned by the Phoenicians, Minoans,Greeks, and Romans who may have even descended from Egyptian culture to begin with. This powerful information was deemed important enough to manipulate and keep secret.  Eventually this may have been some of the information that the Knights Templar discovered that led to their later persecution.   Even the name of their order implies some knowledge of temporal skills and associations.

In addition to its possible use as a crude map projection the major rays of the Hexagon point to places on the earth that seem to have been valued by the Phoenician and Roman rulers of the Levant through time. It is possible given these associations that there has always been a structure at Baalbek that inferred the shape of the hexagon. The ancient hexagonal city of Uruk in Iraq is included in the Templum of Baalbek.  It is even possible that Baalbek is part of the templum of Uruk as both are hexagonal in shape. Given this value it is obvious that even the much earlier Egyptians knew of and valued the point at which Baalbek would later be located. In addition the entire concept of Baalbek may have been echoed in the construction of St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican using the obelisk as a datum and the windrose markers as directional tools.

One of the most interesting places pointed to by Baalbek is the city of Carthage located in modern day Tunisia. The ruins of Carthage feature a unique feature known as the War Harbor.  This feature resembles the many ancient descriptions of Atlantis.  It is comprised of a circular harbor adjacent to the sea connected by a narrow opening.  In the middle of the circular harbor is a circular island that had buildings and temples located on it.  Near the center of the island is an octagonal structure.  The hexagon of Baalbek points a line to this octagon and the octagon seems to point the same angle right back at Baalbek!

This supports the legend of Phoenician Queen Dido coming from Tyre and establishing Carthage. The Placement and orientation of both the octagon of Carthage and the Hexagon of Baalbek suggest that this relationship was intentional and meant as a veneration of the liniage of Carthage. This relationship is suggested and cannot be confirmed as the octagon in Carthage is in a badly ruined state and appears to have nearly eroded to the point that it may no longer be observed.

Prior to reaching Carthage this line transects the Mediterranean Sea and crosses very near the Temple of Aphrodite in Paphos, Cyprus. The Temple of Aphrodite there incudes an omphalos that covered a black stone similar to the one in Mecca as the center of Worship. The line also crosses southern Sicily and a modern pyramid there in the town of St. Lucia.

Many other important and fascinating places are included in the Templum of Baalbek.  Other places of note include: Very near Mecca, Uruk Iraq, Adana Turkey,  Seattle Washington, The Great Pyramid, Heliopolis Egypt, Merowe Sudan, London, Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest, Schloss Nymphenburg.  Both the London 2012 Olympics and the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia are included in the Templum of Baalbek. 

Stay tuned.  I am working on an article about each ray of the Baalbek Templum.  I am also working on a full length movie. Coming up: Baalbek and the London Center Stone. Thanks Everyone.